Sure, I'd drive that around town. And rent or borrow a car for long distance on the highways. Bikes and motorcycles are certainly less crash-worthy. If you get T-boned by a runaway truck loaded with bridge parts it doesn't matter what you drive. Relative weakness also means you're more aware of your vulnerability and you drive defensively, like they are out to get you.

I used to drive a tiny little car that of bought for $250. It was ugly as sin but that was something of an advantage. People in expensive cars, fearing the ugly might rub off, got out of my way.

As for the birth control aspect; it has to be noted that India, where they have a lot of these units, doesn't seem to have suffered hazardous levels depopulation, yet. And there are a lot of ladies out there who might think a Tata was 'cute'. Cute works for me. I'm getting to an age where an expensive car looks like either overcompensation or a midlife crisis.