Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL

A few months later other original battery died. Problem is the receipt has faded to a blank white sheet of paper. I will have to see what hey can do for me. Worse case I think I can get a duplicate receipt from HD or the CC company.

But my advice is that if you buy anything which might potentially need service photocopy your receipts because the thermal paper ones fade.

Credit Card companies usually don't get an itemized receipt, they get a much simpler receipt. Some stores you get two receipts, NAPA auto parts for example, go buy wiper blades or something and you get the itemized receipt printed on the dot matrix printer and a tiny credit card receipt stapled to it. The credit card company only gets the info on the smaller receipt and therefore can't tell what you bought. Granted there are exceptions to the rule, some banks do get more detail but don't count on it.

Part of my preps include scanning any receipt for durable items so I have them inventoried and the original receipt goes in my 'Blasts survival binder so that if I ever had to leave home and make an insurance claim I have the documentation.