Tom : Although accurate enough for this purpose, Jeltrate, IMHO, would be unsuitable as a result of it's fragility. Rubber base or silcone base type impression materials should work as far as the impression goes. Pouring the model in dental stone (plaster) is another story. I can't even imagine getting the stone to follow such a torturous path as well as eliminating air bubbles. Also, remember that such impression materials (including Jeltrate) must be supported by a close fitting tray. The materials do not have enough inherent strength to resist distortion even from such a small, lightweight amount of dental stone. I mentioned a close fitting tray since the accuracy of the impression is impacted if it is too thick or if significantly irregular in thickness. Perhaps a split mold would work, and with your machinist skills such could be fabricated. This project would not appear to require accuracy measured in angstroms, though. Now, that should be all you'd ever want to know about dental impressions and then some. heheh. Personally, I'd just remove a corkscrew from an old SAK and use it considering what you would be getting into. ~ Lou