On that subject matter, going to law school, if you're someplace near a law school search the name of that law school and "Intellectual Property Clinic" if the law school has an "IP" clinic (there are about six in the US) then they'll likely meet with you free of charge to at least discuss your idea preliminarily.

Even if you're not near an IP clinic, go to the yellow pages, or talk to your folks, if there's a local attorney who does IP work (ideally patent work, so (s)he's a patent agent) it would not hurt to call that person and see if you might be able to have a free half hour or hour to learn a bit about patents and your situation specifically. They may be kind enough to donate an hour of their time in hopes of you having a novel enough idea to patent an improvement or innovation and the future revenue they'd earn taking you through that process.

Good luck.