(This prol should get moved to campfire) - I've been hanging around BladeForums too much lately - but here's my recollection of a tagline from a frequent poster:

"Beer makes us stronger
Wine makes us wiser
Water has bacteria in it..."

BTW, what does paint thinner taste like? (no, no - don't say "wine"!)

Your avatar doesn't show eyeglasses, but for those of us that usually have a pair stuck in our shirts, the screwdriver justifies the corkscrew, which is the only point I wanted to make - I was struck by it when I finally ran across one and said "I've got to get one of those!"

OTOH, it is against King's orders in my castle to serve certain meals without wine... P_L can discuss whites with you; I'm a red wine fan. Just in case you ever want something other than "paint thinner", hehehe...

I wish one could custom-order layers from Victorinox - I have this PERFECT SAK vision in my mind...

I like my Micra, too - another part of my EDC kit.

As a retired Combat Engineer, I suggest you switch from paint thinner to JP5 - much more complex bouquet, interesting aftertaste, better legs... overall a more robust beverage.

