We are going to patch it up for now but have to wait until the lumber yard opens. Lesson learned, always keep spare 2x4's, screws etc on hand...

Old Florida hands, back in the 30s and 40s, used to keep planks, plywood, a canvas tarp or two, along with a saw, hammer and a jelly jar full of nails, under the house. Thunderstorms, even hurricanes, would pop up without warning and blow out windows or part of a roof. In the crawl space the tools and lumber were safe and ready for the inevitable patch job. Back in the 30s and 40s Floridians usually had to pick up and make due on our own after a storm. After a week or three someone might show up from another state to render assistance but until then you patched what you had.

Hint: If you have friends in construction you can often pick up scrap lumber, much of it near perfect condition, cheap. You might also ask the general on any job site if you can peruse his dumpster and pick out any useful pieces. Most are glad to have it hauled off as long as you don't make a mess or inconvenience any of his subs.