No, no, no. Just because a long shot happened, that doesn't change it to 100%. That's something that many people get confused about.

It only means that that one time the numbers came up. It's still a 1 in a [whatever] chance, even in the instance where it happened.

And the fact that it happened once has no effect on the chance of it happening again. It's the same as the chance of it happening the first time.

Let's say it's 1 in a million*. Then, the 1 in a million happened once. The odds of it happening again today are still 1 in a million. Which doesn't mean it couldn't happen today, only that it's no more or less likely than it was on the day it happened.

(Although, if it did happen again so soon, I'd be looking for some factor we aren't aware of, making the event more likely than we think.)

*And for you Terry Pratchett fans, this isn't the Discworld. 1 in a million is 1 in a million. smile
Okey-dokey. What's plan B?