How many people depend on it, and how long to definitive medical care are the questions you need to ask BEFORE putting a FAK together.

Build your medications and supplies around that.

For example

The maximum dose of ibuprofen is 800 mg three times per day. Do you want 24 hours worth? 72 hours? For one person, or five?

That round container looks like a PITA to carry unless in a pack. In a vest? No way!

Butterfly bandages are a one trick pony, and not a good one at that. Duct tape is more versatile, and steri strips are what every ER uses. Butterfly bandages are only found in cheap FAK at Walmart these days.

Kerlix is much easier to pack than enough 4X4s. Do you know what you get when you cut off 4" of Kerlix? A gauze pad.

A nice long needle is good for picking out splinters.

Get some sliver grippers or whatever flavor is near you. Cant see your 'tweezers' well enough to know if any good.

Dedicated tick removal tool is nice to have as well.

Waaay too much immodium.

From the pic, the GI dressing you have is just a cravat, ie bandana. Easy to improvise in an emergency from clothing etc. It doesnt seem to be a pressure dressing, but I may be wrong.

No bandaids?

No tape?

Ditch the carmex.

Ditch all but one or two of the aspirin. Good for chest pain, not much else if you have ibuprofen and tylenol.

What are the prep pads for? Way overrated in most FAK IME/O.

Need more antibiotic ointment.

Gloves are bulky. Do you really need them in a small kit?

Edited by duckear (04/01/10 02:17 PM)