I'm not sure if I should take this seriously?? Maybe we let the government legislate us to safety. All potential things that could kill us should be regulated immediately! Handrails should be installed on all bars of soap and banana peels. Anything that flies or rolls should be equipped with a clown and bicycle horn. All new firearms will be produced with a 'bang/fire delay'. You hear the "BANG" and then 3 seconds later the bullet leaves the muzzle. That way, everyone would have plenty of time to duck.

Mother Nature and Murphy are trying to kill us all the time. If people would look up from their self absorbed lives, it wouldn't make any difference. Someone is going to be run over, speared, crashed into and dropped everyday. All we can do is lessen the chances.

No news report ever mentions the thousands of joggers that go out for a run and return home safely. It's only the exceptions.

My 2 cents
Hot glass looks the same as cold glass...
It's just a learning curve, and some aloe vera