Nothing like a high pitched whistle to calm your nerves, eh?

and no, the pilot didn't put the landing gear down either...

would be interesting though to fit all aircraft with a high pitched whistle, especially if you live close to an airport.

Like the Stuka dive bomber in WWII:

"Finally, as if the sight and sound of an enemy bomber diving right at you is not frightening enough, Adolf Hitler ordered to equip the Stuka with a screaming siren that made the sound of its dive far more frightening, giving it a greatly enhanced psychological effect which terrorized enemy civilians and soldiers alike, including some anti-aircraft gunners who could fire at it and did not. "

and what if the jogger had been deaf?

Actually it would have been better to equip all small aircraft with a parachute !

Edited by BorkBorkBork (03/31/10 08:34 AM)
Stay warm out there !