I like kit and the container choice. I have often wondered what I could do with my Gatorade tub.

My thoughts would certainly be to sub in ibuprofen for Imodium. Ibuprofen is so good for inflammation that I feel it's more important in a FAK than either asprin or Tylenol -- though those certainly have their place.

Right or wrong, in my small FAK -- which is smaller than yours -- I have forgone gloves in favor of some additional alcohol prep pads which I plan to use on my hands if the need arises.

Have you considered adding any insect sting relief (pads) or something similar for poison ivy? Though I have never done it, I understand you can pulverize benedryl and use it on insect bites or the spot of other irritants to keep the itching down.

Some other things to consider that might fit in the Meds box: those small Fresnel lens pocket magnifier cards to aid with detail work (splinters, stingers); a needle; Hydro-cortisone cream, safety pins, single dose eye drops (like Thera-tears) and Pepto tablets.

At one point, I had Dramamine in my FAK as an anti-nausea med, but it was expensive and expires too quickly. That made it a lower priority.

A zaney idea: What about a folded sheet of paper to serve as a drop cloth so you can quickly dump the container out onto the paper -- instead of the ground -- to quickly see and access the contents.

Oh. The last bottle of (generic) Tylenol that I bought had an expiration date a little more than a year out. I don't know how critical that date is or if marketing plays a role in a manufacturer selecting an early expiration date.
-- David.