Well, that figures…<br><br>Those who have read these threads are aware that I was favorably impressed with the Reynolds Oven Bags, which seem plenty durable, easier to fill than a condom or balloon, and pack far smaller than I thought.<br><br>In preparation for the iodine-resistance tests, I was in the local Giant yesterday evening, and there have been some changes. The former “regular” size oven bag (10” x 16”) is now labeled “small”, and there’s a new “regular” size, 16” x 20”, I think it was- much larger than needed.<br><br>More discouraging, the now “small” size was marked "on sale" with a hand-lettered label on the shelf that said “discontinued item”. <br><br>It wasn’t clear whether this meant that the manufacturer was discontinuing the item, or the store was no longer going to carry it.<br><br>In any case, if anyone here has any interest in these, I’d stock up now. They’re cheap anyway, they’re on sale now, and they may be disappearing for good.<br>