I would not be so quick to write off matches for just the reason that Chris points too. A 12yr old or asphalt pounder knows what they are and can make them work. The lifeboat matches are a bit tricky, but decent strike-anywheres (not sure if you have those in Scotland), work well.

Carrying redundant firestarting methods is important in my view. A disposable butane lighter, Strike-Anywhere matches coated in finger nail polish or wax in a matchsafe, LifeBoats, and a Fire Steel all are excellent choices. Best bet is to find what works well for you and carry different modes.

I carry matches but they are my second or third choice for use. I carry them for exactly the reason Chris stated.....everyone knows what they are. A firesteel has its own tricks, and I cannot expect someone to know those tricks but I can reasonably expect a novice to know about a lighter or the Strike-Anywheres.

My keychain firekits (firesteels and cotton/vaseline tinder containers)
