Fantastic stuff.
If I found this abandoned on the street I would certainly fondle it for a while. When I got around to modifying it for my own part of the country (Chihuahuan Desert), I would remove the Potassium Permanganate, Glycerin and probably the Aquamira® Frontier™ Emergency Water Filtration System. I would also substitute in a larger signal mirror and probably dump the fishing kit.

To me, the glycerin is heavy and I don't trust the container. I would prefer the Spark-Lite. Starting a fire in a very windy environment without building a fire pit to protect the ignition area would doubtless lead to my arrest by Federal authorities for starting a wildfire. But I would be rescued.

When I was looking at water filtration for my own use last year, I felt that the Aquamira Frontier didn't filter small enough particles to protect against Giardia and some other threats. I would rather just have more of the Micropur MP1 Water Purifier Tablets and perhaps a second Aqua Pouch so I could travel with more water.

I love the Tyvek envelope. Where I live, it would also make a great emergency hat.

All in all, a great kit.
-- David.