...involves the term 'waterproof', as it is often applied to radically different products. For example, Coghlan's sells at least two different kinds of 'waterproof' matches. The more common variety are called 'Waterproof Safety Matches', and may be found at virtually any store that sells outdoorsy or camping type goodies. The 'Safety' matches are indeed waterproof, but they have tiny little heads and are easily extinguished by the slightest breeze. I'm sure they're fine for firing up the charcoal cooker next to the RV, but I'd be awfully nervous sticking them in a serious survival kit. The other kind are called 'Wind and Waterproof Matches.' They tend to be a little harder to find, but they're a lot closer to what you're thinking of regarding a NATO or 'Lifeboat' style match. All matches are not created equal.
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