I watched pretty much all the first season episodes. The situations were bogus but I hung on for a season. Then there was the writer's strike and several shifts in time slot. I missed the first show of the second season but caught the last half of the second. time had passed and somehow the story and characters seemed less compelling. There were other things to do.

For useful survival information the show is a joke. Head down to the county library and check out any survival manual. Sit down and read it for an hour and you will have absorbed more useful information than several years of watching "Lost".

The first year was decent light entertainment. Not terribly realistic or or engaging but there are worse shows. Most of the "reality" shows, like 'Survivor XYZ' and 'Marry a Bastard/Bimbo' shows were far less watchable. At least 'Lost' had actors, and a script, such as it was. It is, IMHO, dreck, but high grade dreck.