I love Lost, own every season of DVDs, and heck if I have a clue how it's all going to turn out or what the "truth" of it all will prove to be.

One of the tensions in the first season was between those who operated under the assumption that rescue would come any second and those who, like Jack, thought they were going to be there for awhile and needed to dig in. Perhaps for a long while.

The Smoke Monster, wild pigs and the assorted lethal booby-traps inland set by various antagonists made living off-the-beach a bit dicey.

Two things the show has gotten very correct: 1) the importance of drinkable water; 2) the importance of health care/meds.

Would Jack have been so powerful if he were not the only physician in a perilous environment?

Have you watched Jericho? Like all entertainment television, a fixation on accuracy can prove frustrating watching Jericho but for many of the same reasons I enjoy Lost I think Jericho was worthwhile.

Enjoy Lost. It's the only network show I make a point of watching.