At the beginning of the year I started running. I just completed a Couch To 5K program, I'm signed up for a 5K race, and I'm running three times every week (this week I'll be lucky to get two runs in). I'm not fast and I can't yet run continuously more than about three miles, but I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to run faster than YOU.

For several years I've been shooting pistol competitively in a local league, and taking advantage of marksmanship and pistol combat training. This is by far the most fun that I have with clothes on. More recently I've started to compete a bit with rifle (just a few matches per year) and take some rifle training as well.

My league also offers a one-day trauma first-aid class that I haven't yet been able to attend, but it's on my to-do list. I'd like to take a full wilderness first aid class, but I don't know when I'll be able to take that much time off from work.

I signed up for my local CERT team. Training starts soon.

Finally, I read a lot. In addition to fiction, I read survival, marksmanship, pistol combatives, and first aid books. I don't confuse reading a book with training, but the knowledge gained from the books lets me plan out my training objectives and sometimes helps me get more out of the classes I take.