Ok so I get a call while I am at work and my neighbor says to me "Someone just wrecked into your trailer. It is now sitting in my front yard. By the way, the trailer went across your yard first and took out your mailbox - which is now lying in your driveway."
So the guy that does it, comes back and gives me his insurance information - like he is supposed to do. Everything is good right? Insurance adjuster comes over, looks at the trailer and says it is totaled, as is the mailbox. I will get a check for both of them within the week. Sweet right? So, today I go to the local office of this large national company to pick up my checks. The lady has us (myself and the DW) sign this and that, and hands us a check for the trailer. Again, sweet! So I ask the lady "What about my check for the mailbox" She said " We figured what the replacement cost would be and how much a local contractor would charge to put the mailbox in and blah blah blah..." "Ok, so can I have my check..."
She responded with this - and I quote " No, we mailed it yesterday, you should have it today or tomorrow."
I tried to contain myself, but I had to ask her if she knew that this check that I just asked for was to replace my now non-existant mailbox. She said yes of course. I had to ask her another question that I just had to know. I asked her how she expected me to get this check she sent in the mail, if I have no mailbox. She blinked at me and said "well how are you getting your mail now?" I said that I am not getting any mail because I no longer have a mail box. She just said oh ok well if you dont have it in a week let us know.
Are You KIDDING ME?????? oh well I went down and bought my own mailbox and put it in so I could get the check to replace my oled mailbox that was no longer a functioning mailbox. UGGGGGNNNNNNNNN
A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson