I don't believe this guy was actually Military at all. A lot of crap he says leads me to believe he is simply a mall ninja using it as a cover to sell his useless "survival" crap.

Anyone notice in his special forces survival kit he has added a small American flag.

Friend or Foe ID Flag - Should you become lost or separated from your unit, when approuching friendly lines or a friendly patrol it's best to carry something that will quickly identify yourself as a “friend” and not a foe. And there's nothing more recognizable than to carry & wave a small 12 x 8 inch Amerian flag. Better to wave a small American flag then a “white flag” and risk being shot at and mistaken for a foe by your own troops. Ya know?

Obviously this retard has never served overseas. I could lose count of all the things wrong with the above statement. But I digress...

I'm here to enquire about your spoons - Salad fingers