I’m still surviving 3 daughters (last one graduated a year ago), and know my kids’ talents, strengths and weaknesses. I’m sure you do too, so use that to your advantage. All 3 are living 4 hours from our rural home, now in the urban jungle, working and going to school. I still sleep pretty well.
Growing up they each learned 4 important things, how to build a fire safely, how to fish (and find their own bait), how to change a flat tire, and locating foods that grew (or graze) in our surroundings.
We went primitive camping at least once a year.
Our local High School offered a course that included reading maps and compasses, firearm safety, and some other basic survival skills. My youngest really enjoyed the course and even received a marksmen award.
Knowing first aid is a must, having a kit too, at the least have a handy book on the basics. I keep an old Bell South telephone from the 70’s in my home office as it can be used in a power outage – doesn’t require batteries or recharging.
I have checklists for most everything and for various activities my family participates in.
For stockpiling food I have a list of those store bought items that normally carry the longest expiration dates. Don’t forget the OTC meds.
Oh, there is plenty of advice in the forums, so enjoy.

Best wishes to you and yours