Sue, I agree 100% if that was the case and they were too lazy to walk the distance, they should suffer the consequence of their inaction. I was not there, so it is for me to judge their actions/inactions until a full investigation has been completed. I can only say what I would have done based upon previous calls. In 93’, 3 others and I walked 2.5 miles though a snowstorm after we had to abandon our 4-wheel drive Utility truck to get to the home of a pregnant woman. It took us an additional 3-4 hours to evacuate her using a plastic rescue litter and two snowmobiles dragging it 3 miles (had to go a different way) to the ambulance. I have been on other calls where we have had to walk to the patient through the snow, only to have to wait for a snowplow to open up the road to evacuate the patient, each call is different.

What I can say is, during the storms that took place here a few weeks ago, there were many EMS calls that had to go unanswered until conditions improved. Crews did their best, but countywide, ambulances, fire apparatus, snowplows, tow truck, police and even the National Guard got stuck on occasion.
