Anyone here do any night land navigation? That was the most challenging thing when I was in the military, and, as an infantryman, we ALWAYS moved at night. We had handrails, if the route provided them-we didnt follow them (they are avoided, as they are considered likely routes of travel), but we are aware of them if we veer off course. Night land nav usually involved simple distance & direction-you had to be spot on with your pace count, and your compass skills better be good too.
I took my EIB (Expert Infantrymans Badge) course in Ft. Lewis, WA-the night land nav part of the course was arguably the hardest land nav course I had ever done. We werent allowed to use roads-we had to bushwhack the whole way. We had a 4 hour time limit, to find 4 points. The undergrowth there was a killer-frustration almost caused me a nogo that night. I learned a lot doing that course at night-ALWAYS trust your compass (easy to second guess with no visual cues), tie things down you dont want to lose, and you will NEVER be spot on, so figure in your own deflection (deliberatley steer to one side of the target, so you KNOW which way to search).
my adventures