The only minis I've tried were pretty floppy. Better than nothing but not very impressive.
I've tried the full size cheapies too, for a buck or two. They cut, but again they flex and dive under heavy cutting. Though note that they spring back into shape so they aren't permanently disabled. Still, not my choice for serious use.
I tried one of these and bought about five more pair: . Their 'clamshell scissors' are the same thing with rounded tips on both the top and bottom: . I can cut doubled-up jeans, including seams, without them flopping around. Very strong, and easy to resharpen also. These are the ones that travel with me on airlines in my radically-enhanced FAK (context is important, ya know?). Security doesn't even bother to open the kit, they know what they are.
No doubt the medical folks will be able to advise on the best of the best. I'd like to know what they use.