I am in a similar lifestyle situation as an earlier poster where I usually don't get to threads until they have been hashed and rehashed, so other than a "me too" or "what he said" I usually feel I don't have much to add by that point. Couple that with my natural tendency to lurk, it will take me awhile to get to 200 posts for the premium membership. However, I value what I learn here so such a task and $12/year would be worth it to maintain access to ETS.
Unfortunately, a real name requirement for posting would be a deal breaker for me.
I used to have the attitude that if I had something I felt strongly enough to post, I should have the guts to put my name to it. I also try to never post anything I'd be ashamed to see put up on my church bulletin board. So, all of my early Internet postings were under my real name. And, my posts were pretty tame, often limited to "how to's" or software work-arounds. A few years back I was actually questioned about a post I had made a lonnngggg time ago on Usenet. The post was extremely innocuous, but I was asked about it in a meeting.
Creepy. Or, at least, the creep asking if I'd found what I was looking for 15+ years earlier was creepy.
While a very small bit of work would probably easily link my name to my handle, I still want to make 'em work at it. Googling and Facebook searches are now pretty much routine for not only HR types but also by anyone looking at just about anything which requires an application. So, I now use a handle.