Howdy Everyone!As for example purposes only,Ebay uses a Premier member system,It's called: Verified seller,& Once one supplies additional required personal info & 5 bucks,they get a special symbol next to their name or Handle.Once this status is established,transactions are "Rarily" scrutinized for honesty/truth,should a problem present itself,as one of the requirements to obtain this status,is a signed promissory note,that legally binds one to be Honest/Fair.Something like this could be Implemented on this site,& All who have signed up for the status,would be allowed to keep their handles & have a certain symbol displayed thereof.As for the required 200 posts?Let me be Bold enough to say"Martin,I think you are Jumping the gun,a bit!Patterns? this suggests someone is being Psychoanalytical,I beleive this is why you threw it out there,in such a manner,as to get the feedback,am I right?Forgive me if I'm wrong!My present handle is the most I'm willing to display over the www!It gives my 1st name/present location,probably enough,wouldn't you say?I love the outdoors & I love to learn!I've followed this site for many years & have learned ALOT!I have NO problems contributing monetarily & have made quite a few Anonymous Contributions to ETS Foundation.That probably won't stop either,as I said before, I love to learn!Whatever becomes of the forum,well...I guess we shall see! Thanx for allowing my opinions! Richlacal