Martin, you could do it. I could probably do it, and I know plenty of people who do it pretty regularly. But even my potential employers aren't likely to go to that extreme. The programming people don't care and the HR weasels are going to stop at Google and Facebook.

I am looking for a job. I'm interviewing for one tomorrow. That means that I'm going to burn a vacation day, so my boss doesn't know that I am looking. By the same token, I don't want to have it be known to a potential employer that I engage in what is commonly considered paranoid behavior. I camp, I shoot (and I'm careful how I mention that at work) and hunt, and seem to be able to pull whatever is needed at the moment from my bag or truck. They know I'd rather be half way up a mountain most days than in the office. THAT is what they know. That is all I need them to know. That is the same reason that if I can ever get published, it will be under a pseudonym.

I like being able to have a modicum of privacy from random nosy and stalkery people. Martin, you live in the world where this stuff is normal- sometimes you can forget that for 99.9% of the world, it is black magic. I know I forget sometimes that most people have no idea how the interweb works, and don't realize that their computer is just a glorified calculator. From someone with a little training, some software and a very little patience there is no privacy. Maybe one in a thousand people know how little about you isn't available. But I'd like to keep that 99.9% from knowing my real name is really Rumpelstiltskin. Or something like that.

There is another reason for not liking the idea of using my real name. I can say "IronRaven" online, and if there is anyone in the room who spends time here or at ZS or a couple of places, and they'll know it is probably me. After a few posts, it's me, that becomes pretty obvious. But XXXXXXXX, who's that? I'm known as IronRaven, it is my nom de perati. Even if we were to do a meet and greet, yeah, you'd get my first name. I'd have it on a sticker that says "hi my name is". But "IronRaven" would be above my real name, and in much larger letters.

If I can't post as IronRaven, then I think I'll pass on a premium service. Same reason as I pass on donating to NPR- I love their product, but they publish everyone's names. Everything else I hear, I like. But not that. If we have to be outted, then I doubt you'll get a lot of interest.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.