I am Craig Thompson from SE Pennsylvania. I learned about ETS a few weeks ago from a gun forum where I was asking about high quality knives. Someone posted a link to ETS and the RSKs. After reading the extended write-up by Doug on the RSK Mk 1 and Mk 3 I realized how much our thought processes were alike. I ordered one of each and am very impressed with them.
In the last few weeks I have spent quite a bit of time reading the forums (got as far back as about 2 years so far) as well as all the other great information to be found in the site. So much to read, so little time…
For many years now I have felt like a freak for trying to be prepared for emergencies / disasters. It sure is good to find a community that will not make fun of me for doing so. I also realize that I am not nearly as prepared as I should be.
At the risk of overdoing my first post, here are a few photos of the snow from the storm. Talk about being prepared, we had to fire up the wood stove because the power kept going out. Was ready to get the generator going but the power did come back on.
My house
Great to meet you all.
Craig T.