When I go into the deep woods, I carry a small PSK that fits very tightly in a 6"x7"x2" military pouch that I can place on my belt, or in my game pouch. It has everything I need to survive in the woods in my area for a week or more, and to signal my presence to a SaR team. It is my intention never to open it in the field unless I am in a survival situation. Some of the essential items are lashed together in the pouch and secured with a nylon flag clip. I carry a Wave, mini binocs, a small cell phone, and duplicates of a few items from my PSK in my pockets or belt for use: cord-wrapped sheath knife, 2 bics (one in jacket/shirt, one in pants), whistle, main compass, mini light, and clif bar/trail mix. If I am with someone, I carry a 5 watt GMRS radio too.
The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng