It seems reasonable to me, $25/year and no refunds.

But what is the real fear of posting one's name? Is your real name already out there? If you have a sensitive job, are you advertising it? And if you're on Twitter, MySpace or Facebook, or have a blog or have posted a resume online, you're already out there.

And how many other people have the same name? If someone does happen to find you, what do you think they're going to do? Break into your home -- after you mentioned that you have 17 guns, you're a staunch Second Amendment supporter, and have a short temper? Send you advertising? What? Marty's name is out there all over the place, home address, workplace, commute times and what time he is likely to be home to passing assassins. I haven't heard him mention problems.

I agree with someone's suggestion that the requirements be either 200 posts OR 3 months. I suspect that if people are posting their real names, they would be a little more careful about what they say and do. Maybe. The bi.... ah... witch in WA may be an exception.

Disclaimers aren't worth anything, posted online or written personally on paper in blood.
