OK, replying to myself here and consolidating.

There's been some good comments (including some side discussions from DR hisself) and the core concept - a "Benefactor" seems to be OK on one level. Still not saying this will actually HAPPEN but it's under evaluation. The whole idea might get tossed once the logistics of it all are worked out.

What's not at all clear is what being a "benefactor" gets you, but I have a list of things that it's not going to get you. Early access to Shot Show reviews is off the table and the idea of a "marketplace" makes the internet old-timers nervous.

Everyone seems to think that $12 a year is too cheap, I think I'll believe that when the subscriptions come in.

I got a few side notes about accessing some video content - maybe some version of one of DR's presentations. I don't know if that's going to work, but it's an interesting idea.

Another idea that came in via another channel is the concept of some kind of digital "tools" (planners? reminder services?) that are only offered to benefactors.

Anyway, keep the ideas coming.