Originally Posted By: Eugene
There is some overlap between "treehugging" and preparedness.
Agreed. What I took from the article was an emphasis on sustainability. Replace single-use plastic bags of water with reusable bottles. Replace battery-powered devices with solar-powered ones. Reuse is better than recycling. It's "green", and it's also good in an emergency which may last longer than you expect.

It was also interesting to note the entertainment and feminine hygiene products (um, that's two separate categories), which some readers might overlook.

I disagree with a lot of her specific choices. Anything electric will use batteries, which will have a shelf-life: even if it's solar-powered it will need a battery to store that power. And wind-up devices have a lot of moving parts. Batteries can be the best solution, but it's good (and green) to pick low-power products that will get the most use out of them. A colouring book is less long-lived than a deck of cards, and the cards can entertain adults as well as children. But we all have our personal beliefs.
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