I'm planning a thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail(2,650 miles from the mexican border to the canadian border), and trying to lighten my pack weight. I have no intention of going 'ultralight', since being prepared and being ultralight are pretty much mutually exclusive, but there is certainly room for me to lighten my load while still being prepared.
Right now I'm trying to lighten my first aid kit, which currently weighs 34oz, over 2 pounds! After my backpack, it's the single heaviest item on my gear list. I've already gone over everything in it and tried to remove the excessive items, but I would like some feedback from others. Just for comparison, the "first aid kit" that most thru-hikers bring consist of a tiny zip-lock with moleskin, a few band aids, and some Tylenol.

My goal is to be prepared for both major and minor medical situations, and have enough supplies so that I don't need to leave the trail or resupply early because I run out of materials to treat a non-severe injury.
My kit is built from scratch using the container from AMK 'weekender' kit. The bag itself is fairly heavy, and I think the easiest way to cut a few ounces is to replace it with a lighter, perhaps sil-nylon bag. However I love the organization of this bag- the layout and the clear plastic pockets are perfect for me. I haven't yet found a lightweight case with similar organization, and I would appreciate any suggestions.

The first thing I would like to do is get a lighter case if I can find a suitable one, then work on trimming down the contents a bit. I'm also seriously considering skipping the First Aid book(5oz). It's a great book and in important item, but it's heavy and I'm pretty skilled in first aid(I've had EMT and recent WFR training).

edit: I've posted some pics, but I can't figure out how to attach the inventory file(pdf). I used the file manager, but its not showing up, can someone tell me how to post the file?

FAK Inventory - Small, PCT 2.5.2010 [print @ 70%].pdf (1102 downloads)

Edited by urbansurvivalist (02/05/10 05:50 PM)