Sorry hikermor your not mission critical so you can look after yourself

My coment about the desert was not so much that they get cold. Desert is not defined by temperature but lack of precipitation. As you state Arizona has elevation which means cold. I have been cold at one time or other in none elevated deserts of Africa, Australia and the Middle East. My point is, even in hot weather, a casualty with major trauma can succumb to hypothermia through conduction to the ground. Major burn cases often succumb to hypothermia through convection because water is evaporating from the dressings.
this is very close to a description of what I typically carry in similar circumstances. I think we are wrestling with a semantic difficulty here. An FAK, in my usage, is not usually a large, elaborate, heavy thin packed in day glo colors. It is what is appropriate for the circumstances and training of its owner. It ideally incorporates other carried items, like a bandanna, and definitely includes some sort of shelter in nearly all circumstances - treatment for shock is almost always required.
I agree but reading many posts on this forum of peoples FAK's. It seems common that people make them way to elaborate. It amazes me how many people on the internet have more elaborate FAK's than my war fighting medic kit yet don't have any aid training at all.