Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL
... (Y)ou have to keep in mind this is not a survival situation for him like camping is for so many. This is his environment. He is like a fish at sea.

Very good and thought provoking post, Art_in_FL smile

From the wording in the article it is pretty evident that this guy a) often hikes with others, b) hikes on trails with a lot of traffic. These hikers take full advantage of the fact that there is safety in numbers. This forum doesn't really approve because you a) can't really guarantee any "numbers" of hikers when you really need them, and b) what if you deliberately or by mistake take the path less traveled? Even if we really don't like it we should acknowledge that the number of hikers on these trails is a significant safety factor.

Another aspect that is just as important: These UL hikers are already equipped with warm shelters (hopefully they're warm enough) and the ability to procure water. If something bad happens they can hunker down in their sleeping bag under their tarp and stay there. Though I would like to see some fire making abilities (to dry equipment, get a warm drink and so on) their sleeping system is plenty warm enough (hopefully with some margin for colder weather...). An UL hiker is a hundred times better prepared for, well - anything - than your average day hiker.

There are actually very small changes required to make me happy with the described UL setup:

- A game plan with some responsible friends or relatives. (If I'm not in town X by Tuesday, I'm stuck with a problem somewhere along tray Y).

- Just a tiny wee bit more in the first aid department. (Bandaid/steri strips, some sterile pads or equivalent, pain killers).

- Some repair goodies: A sewing kit, zip ties? Cordage, strong 2mm nylon line is OK for most tasks. He already carries duct tape.

- A tiny wee more "wilderness camping" capabilities: Knife, fire making items, a titanium cup (it'll have to do as pot).

- Signalling: Whistle, signaling mirror. Bright pieces of clothing/equipment.

- Navigation: A small button compass.

Those items add perhaps a pound or so, but makes a huge difference when the unexpected happens at the worst possible moment.

Edited by MostlyHarmless (02/02/10 11:20 AM)