My house i am not worried about, we have a spare hidden around here somewhere. smile

my truck has a hide-a-key inside my frame, It's c shaped and opens to the inside, nice lip up. So if you don't know its there it takes a long time to find, plus my truck is a '98 with the bottom part of my front bumper missing. (air dam) so theft is not a really big worry of mine.

IIRC some LEP will not slim-jim a car. The LEP's in El Paso, Texas won't (personal experience). Liability. Some lady locked her baby in the back seat of her car, with the windows up, engine off, in the El Paso sun. Frantic she flagged down a passing cruiser, he slim jim'ed her door open, she was happy until she went to leave. a wire had come loose and apparently shorted out her door. She sued and won. Now the El Paso LEP will not slim-jim. They sometimes might help you with what you are doing, will call a locksmith, or if it is an emergency break out your window. but that might just be there. I would not bet on LEP's slim-jim-ing my car though.
Do you know where your towel is?
Don't Panic!
I have an extra.