Goretex. I bought a 'first generation' anorak. It came in a bright blue instead of my requested forest green or red. The salesman ( being a salesman) informed me it was the hottest color that season and "the most visible on the spectrum for high visibility." I replied that was true, if one wanted to attract mosquitos. Another wait and a red one arrived. I went confidently out into a rainfall and got soaked. Then the salesman mentioned my premium anorak needed seam sealer. I said it was "unseamly" not to have mentioned it before and got a free bottle. Again I ventured forth into the storm, only to find more water forming inside than out. At least I fgured out what all those venting zippers were for. Trouble was I was getting as much rain through them as was being vented. Next the saleman wanted to sell a special cleaner and some sort of waterproofing supplement. I demanded a full and uncheerful refund. The very word still gives me a wet body chill and even influenced my vote in the last presidential election.