Since I brought it up I will step back in to take any heat. I cannot speak for the organization as a whole and beyond being an attendee twice, have no affiliation, but I can say without reservation that at the outset the instructors at the two events I attended were crystal clear about politics staying off the range and out of the event. No endorsements, criticisms or political views were expressed in my hearing. One participant at my first shoot who started to make what sounded like it could become a political comment was reminded that this (the shoot) was not the venue and he desisted.

I certainly do not intend to interject any political angle into any discussion here. It was simply presented as a low cost opportunity to do some relatively high-volume shooting, stress testing the rifle is a pleasant benefit (though not when my front sight drifted right off the barrel), and receive some pretty darn good instruction in marksmanship.
The fox knows many tricks; the hedgehog, one good one. - Aesop