First and foremost: What do you plan to use for shelter???

Second: I see no knife or other cutting instrument???

You could perhaps add some more cordage, 10 feet is bare minimum. I assume your "nylon line" is more than strong enough and packs a bit smaller than the famous 550 lbs paracord (good stuff and I love it, but overkill). I'd ditch the fishing kit, the fresnel lens, the flint and add a bic lighter and sewing needle+thread. In fact, I'd ditch anything related to food procurement, but some of those items are so nice and handy for a lot of things that I'd want to keep them for that reason. Such as S.S. wire.

You can't fit everything into such a pouch anyway - it's just a handy container for some of the easily forgotten nescessities. Carry that PSK pouch in a small bag or backpack along with something for emergency shelter (bivy bag recommended, or at the very least some large trash bags and a space blanket), your knife, water bottle and extra clothes for the season and you're much better prepared than most.

Think about the need for boiling water or melting snow. That foil is close to useless for that purpose - replace with proper gear. You may choose to add a small metal cup (pot) or get a stainless steel water bottle.

But the really most important thing is the thought process YOU engage in right now! You compose your kit (and the totallity of stuff you bring, including your clothes, your daypack and the stuff in your pocket) based on YOUR local conditions! Sure, the PSK pouch is a nice-to-have collection of some easily forgotten items, but a PSK is no substitute for thinking.

Oh, and two snicker bars in that daypack of yours may just be what you need to get the brains working again when you hit the wall.

Edited by MostlyHarmless (01/12/10 09:11 AM)