Saw it, and was wondering why he made his own diesel fuel when he had visited a gas station previously to siphon out gas for the generator. Also, during the bridge crossing scene, if the city was that big there would be adequate resources on either side of the river.
For the recent Man vs wild, Bear killed a reindeer, then subsequently LOST the entire thing when he dropped it in the river...all he could salvage was part of a leg. That was a complete waste of time and energy, and seemed he did it just to prove he could. He should have dresed it immediately and taken what he could, considering he had a pack with him. I took it as a slap in the face of what's practical and necessary in a real survival situation. Such wanton waste is inexcusable and reckless, my two cents worth.
seeking to balance risk and reward
Audaces fortuna iuvat...fortune favors the bold
Practice methodical caution...Les Stroud