I watched part of this show last night. The mindset of "wait until the government gets here to help" seemed to be really prevalent. The husband had some good ideas, but was too freaking sissified to act on them, while the wife was all over the map, one minute whining about no power, the next screaming to stop throwing clean clothes on the lawn, but she was the proponent of evacuating, the only good idea they had in the time I watched.

Ok, so it was a re-do of Stephan King's "The Stand" with less actors. And it lacked Jamey Sheridan as the Devil Incarnate.

Would rather watch a show with useful ideas. I already know that the majority of people will not be prepared for anything, instead they will wait on Uncle. Oh, in this case, Uncle was spirited away on a helicopter to "an unknown location" under Joe Biden's house...lol.

I think I will depend on me instead.