Originally Posted By: CANOEDOGS
Martin..what a story,it's enough to make a grown man cry.a choice of guns or how much Spam to put away or what kind of sparkier to keep in your BOB shrink away to nothing in the face of hassles like that...now about that built-in book case in the up stairs hallway--might be a good time to put in a kitchen fan as i'll have access to power outlet in the crawl space---------
on second thought i'll work on some fire lighters for the lost kit.

OK, now I can't make this stuff up...

M<y wife just called - one of the chickens is dead (that's OK ,we have 39 more) - it was apparently ELECTROCUTED in the hen house!

OY. The water heater malfunctioned (frayed cord) and (my bad) there's no GFCI on the henhouse lighting/water heater branch...one dead chicken, a huge PITA for me, as now I have to work in 15 degree cold/dark tonight to fix it with a GFCI.