Simple acrylic/latex high durability "floor paint" can last for years if wear is limited to foot traffic. And worn through in high traffic areas it is cheap and easy to lay down another coat.

It runs less than $30 a gallon. It can fail wholesale if conditions are poor, the most common failure mode being moisture coming up through a slab, but any coating can fail. Interestingly acrylic floor paint breaths a bit so it tolerates a bit of moisture. Much more than epoxy or urethane.

The difference is that floor paint is cheap and if it fails in spots it can be pressure washed, chemically stripped or sanded off pretty easily and another approach tried. Urethane and epoxy coatings are great but they are quite expensive, they are preparation dependent and you need to follow the directions to the letter and develop a technique. Some are very time critical during application. They are also every bit as dependent on the solidity of the substrate as other materials and if they fail in spots they are a real PITA to remove so you can correct any problems.