Another Triad Stove Field test,
Now this could have been another complete disaster using this titanium alcohol stove, but this time a hexamine tablet came to the rescue.
Ok, I set this little Triad titanium stove up in the back garden, where the temperature was just below freezing i.e. about -1 to -2 C. I could not get the alcohol fuel to light in the stove even with the alcohol fuel warmed by body heat under my jacket. The stove needs preheating with a little alcohol gel. The gel took alight and some of the liquid alcohol sitting in the top of the stove depression. Ahah success I thought, the stove appears to be taking hold, only for it to go out about 30 seconds later as shown below. Back to square one.
Gel fuel primer residue is visible after the stove went out.
Hexamine tablet comes to rescue.
Ok I thought a Hexamine tablet set alight under this stove might getting it working. And so it proved. Success at last.
Here is the video showing the little triad alight. (5.2 Meg) allowed me to boil (yes boil) around 400ml of water (still took around 10-12 minutes though), enough for a Cappuccino
The Double walled Titanium Cup keeps the contents warm for a considerable time even when resting in the snow. (Recommended)
The main conclusion though, was that it was quicker, less fiddly, more reliable, less smelly, using a lighter weight fuel, and far less susceptible to actually extinguishing itself due to drafts, would be to use Hexamine tablets rather than liquid alcohol fuel.
Boil time for the Hexamine tablets was similar to the alcohol fuel but will have many advantages over alcohol fuel in a survival situation.
The Traid Titanium Stove - only a complete fool would actually risk his life trying to get a hot drink in sub zero temperatures (or in any windy conditions) just using alcohol fuel with this stove.