According to, 3 to 4 crystals per liter of water is adequate. Let stand 30 minutes.<br><br>However, KMNO4 purifies the water by oxidization. Some nasties are resistant to this, namely Cryptosporidium. That's because it's a spore in its dormant state, not a bacteria: the spore has tough cell walls.<br><br>I've tried to figure out just how effective KMNO4 is on Crypto, but I can't seem to get two sources that agree with each other. The overwhelming opinion (of both government and private groups) is that chemical disinfectants are not effective against it; disinfecting by oxidization was mentioned by name as being not 100% effective.<br><br>As you probably know, many water treatment facilities don't rely on just one method of purification, but rather combinations (i.e. UV and filtration). Boiling water seems to be the only safe method for eliminating everything. Chris V. said that he uses chemical purification, boils it, AND gets it blessed by a priest! :)<br><br>One last note: there are many, many more types of nasty critters that you don't want floating around in your belly. I worked in a pharmacy for a number of years and some people would come in (after they got out of the hospital) saying they had the lining of their stomach eaten away because of bad well water. I think the bacteria that causes it is Heliobacter Pylori- you don't hear about that one much. Who knows what other stuff is out there that we don't come across in the literature? It's the .1% that will get 'ya.<br><br>If anyone knows of a government study that lists the effectiveness of purification methods against all these types of bacteria (especially chemical), I would love to hear about it. There is just so much stuff to sort through...<br><br><br><br>Peace and God Bless America<br><br>Chris