D-handles are shorter than straight handles to start with and a D-handle for a spade is quite short by itself.
The socket on a Cold Steel does not fit a regular shovel handle because it is a bit smaller.
However it does fit a floral size shovel handle which are a little bit thinner and shorter than a regular handle.
I would likely buy the floral head instead of a CS shovel if I was just going to use it for getting a car unstuck.
Cost does matter to me and the CS shovels are a bit more expensive, but my CS shovel gets used rock hounding and gets a lot of abuse which the usual stamped steel shovels don't stand up to for long.
Regular shovels are much more comfortable to dig with if you have to move a lot of dirt or snow because the angle between the head and handle is better to work with.
Also you can usually find shovels missing handles "dirt" cheap.
May set off to explore without any sense of direction or how to return.