Forecasts here call for 4" to 8" with possibles up to 12" at higher elevations. Preparation check list:
wood for the fireplace (in case electric goes off) - check
warm snuggly blankets - check
extra food and water on hand - check (after this evening, hope there is still some left on shelves

survival kits in vehicles - check
snow shovel - no check, but I am pretty sure I know where it is hiding at and will have it out by tomorrow morning
ice melt for steps - check
popcorn and plenty of movies - check (as long as electric stays on

Plenty of warm clothing for playing in snow - check
Am I missing anything? We don't plan on going anywhere this weekend, we live on a main road that gets cleared quickly anyway hence no snow shovel in the cars but have CS shovel to throw in if needed)?
Haven't had a forecast here for snow like this in years. Hope I still remember how to shovel snow

Hope I can hold off DW and Brother-In-Law as DWs employee Christmas party is tonight, she really wants to go and BIL is blowing off the forecast as another conspiracy implemented by the bread-milk-egg industry to increase sales and the media to increase ratings. I believe the fact that DS was going to spend the night with BIL tonight may have something to do with that as well but I for one am not willing to take that kind of chance. Of course DS can still stay the night with BIL tonight if DS wants to.

Pete, I would talk DD into delaying the trip if at all possible. Hope they arrive safely if they don't.