Originally Posted By: Henry_Porter
Any word on pricing yet? I couldn't find any on the Kifaru forum thread.

I've found Kifaru gear to be very well designed and constructed. It can be pretty expensive gear for someone like me who is used to thrift store and surplus packs -- especially if you add various straps, belts and pouches. But my Kifaru kit has been rock-solid and useful. Glad I have it and am saving for more.

+infinity on that Henry. Whatever happened to the good ole days of $20 rucksacks for a day hike. Now you buy a pack and "oh you have to buy this expensive harness and oh the harness only works if you buy this adapter, and oh, that will only work if you buy this accessory that costs more than the pack." Don't jump all over me at once. I am all for buying quality gear and the new tougher water resistant longer wearing etc materials are more expensive and costs go up again for quality construction techniques and good quality control. I get that. It just seems like a lot of the new gear has to be a system. It seems an awful lot like a money racket to me. You can't get by just buying a pack, you have to buy everything else that goes with it to make it work like it is supposed to. I gladly pay $100 or more for quality knives, same for quality shoes, and other gear. But d@#^ paying $200 for a pack plus more for the modular belt and straps and padding and .... sorry, been on the soap box for too long (by the way not saying this particulart pack is that much either, just making a point). Just old school I guess. Sometimes it just seems like these guys are more interested in how much expensive gear they can force you to buy rather than just sticking to a good quality stands alone reasonably priced product. Please forgive my ranting.
*shackled in center of town waiting for the stones to start flying*
Uh ... does anyone have a match?