Originally Posted By: T_Co
Does everyone here also know how to drive a manual in case they ever need to? Party, only way home is someone overserved, you stumble upon the only vehicle in range and it is a stick? And not to offend the ladies but how many signifigant others can drive them?

I had an exact conversation about this and my lady and she simply asked WHY.... I alsmost keeled over.

Considering almost 80% of vehicles have automatic transmissions that may not be an unreasonable first answer. I learned on a automatic, switched to a standard cause I love Mustangs and a muscles car and stick go together like peanut butter and jelly! I would still be driving a manual transmission today if it wasn't for the fact the manufacturer's are making very few of them! And Ford's new 6-speed autos are about as energy efficient as a 5-speed manual to boot...

But the real reason people love automatics so much is that it frees their hands to do other much important things like apply makeup, texting, holding the phone, eating food and holding up that glorious cancer stick! frown