What I went awayfrom on this was that most people don't seem to be able to relize that the world is still dangerous. That the comon person thinks that the roads will always be pasable. People forget that sometimes mother nature will conqure man, and she will AWAYS win when she wants to.

I have a quad cab truck and often have to fill the center of the back seat with gear. Though I am thinking of adding a Taneau (totaly misspelled that word) to give the truck a bigger storeage area.

To add to the GPS thing, I did see a clip on a TV show talking about how Alaskan Snow Plow Drivers use GPS to stay on the road even when they can't see it. My thoughts on that is what happenes whne the GPS looses signal or the signal gets distored. I have had my GPS think that I was up to 30 feet off to the left or right when I was in heavy clowd cover. (disclaimer it is a Verizon Wireless cell GPS)

What I noticed was that though the drivers were being visited and having gas topped off by the athorities they never thought of extracting them. Why not put people in a sled or a ATV trailer and extract them to a warm place then return them once the plowing has resumed. Though it was 52 miles of highway, and I am here in my office and being a total armchair quaterback and wasn't there, so my thought is just that, and not intended to be a critisism. A Gama-Goat (again misspelled) from the Army could get through easly. but again just me being silly me.